Even though you wouldn’t normally consider a career which involves crystals, crystal healing is actually very fascinating and intriguing.
Crystal healing is set to become extremely popular as it’s a relaxing and non-invasive treatment. Crystal healing therapists bring an alternative and refreshing way of thinking to people who aren’t satisfied with conventional medical treatments. Crystals have an ability to hold and emit energy vibrations. They have different energies and healing properties that convert negative energy into positive energy.
The crystals can be matched with a specific ailment, whether it’s anxiety, depression, traumas, relationship issues, past life and present life, headaches or addictions. For example, amethyst is a translucent lilac crystal infused with silvery white can be used to calm a busy, overactive mind and help you sleep. It’s also used to help deal with liver and stomach issues as well as being effective for spiritual uplifting.
How does crystal healing work?
Crystal healing is a very unique and remarkable type of holistic therapy where crystals are utilised for their healing properties. Crystals are believed to have some unique healing power. It’s a ‘subtle energy medicine’ as opposed to a conventional medicine.
After an initial consultation that enables the therapist to learn more about you, your medical history and your condition, the therapist will then assess your condition, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, and select a number of crystals to restore its equilibrium.
Crystals are often placed on or around the body after the therapist induces a deep state of relaxation. The crystals will then release stress, pain and promote energy balance within the physical and subtle bodies. It’s common for the client to feel a bit of tingling thought to be caused by the shifting energies in the body. The treatment usually takes an hour.
Reasons to Study Our Crystal Healing Courses
Our crystal healing courses will not only give you an interesting background in the history of crystals and the practice of crystal healing, but they’ll also provide you with a solid understanding of healing properties of crystals, astrological influences and the use of crystals in everyday life.
The best thing is our crystal healing courses are open to anyone. Crystal healing therapists are now accepted and recognised worldwide. There are opportunities to set up your own holistic therapy practice or even work from the comfort of your own home.
What do you think of crystal healing? Would you ever become a crystal healing therapist? Would you ever consider undergoing crystal healing therapy? Please let us know below…
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