Where can you find early years job vacancies?
You can look for jobs online. Here are some great sites to try out:
Not every vacancy will be advertised nationally. Don’t forget to look in your local paper, or outside companies in your area that might be hiring.
How do you create a CV for early years jobs?
- Use an email address that will make you look professional.
- Check that you don’t need to update your contact details.
- Get someone else to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Use online early years CV templates for comparison.
- All experience with children, even voluntary work, is relevant.
- Sell yourself. You may have skills that other applicants don’t.
How do you prepare for a job interview?
Research the company. Think about why you want the job and how you could make a difference. Ask someone who works in early years for interview tips and try looking on internet forums for any experiences you can learn from.
On the day remember to be early. You might be held up in traffic, or have trouble finding the building. Always play it safe and dress in a smart, professional outfit. You can show your personality once you have the job.
Remember that the company needs to make a good impression on you too. Have several questions to ask and get a feel for how you would fit in. If you don’t get a job right away, don’t worry. Every job interview is great experience and will get you closer to that job offer.
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