Have you ever said to yourself?, “I want to do something more with my life,”
If you have, that’s probably because you haven’t followed your dreams. You’ve probably let yourself do something that was forced upon you by your parents, by fate, or by circumstances itself. You’re probably stuck in a job you hate or at least a job which you’re just doing because “it’s a job.” Better to have one than be jobless, right? Wrong. Try and follow your dream
If you’ve ever felt the urge to just drop everything, go to a place where no one knows you, and start over, then you’ve had the feeling of being frustrated with your life because you’re doing what you weren’t meant to do. Life isn’t just merely a set of chores or a parade of routines. Life is supposed to have meaning! And you can’t find that meaning unless you do something you love.
Having the courage to follow your dream means having the courage to leave safety and security behind
Climbing without safety ropes isn’t safe. Jumping from a cliff isn’t safe. Flying with make-believe wings certainly isn’t safe. But so what? Would you rather be safe and sorry, or be risky and happy? The risk and rewards of following your dreams are great, while the return on your investment of choosing safety is miniscule.
Isn’t it funny that when as kids, you are told to “follow your dream” but when you become adults you are told to “stop dreaming and be practical?” Why have you allowed those who gave up on their dreams to ruin your life? Why have you let them to stop you from doing what you want simply because they couldn’t find the courage to do what they want themselves? In that case, everyone is a loser following losers if everyone listens to those who stop them from following their dreams.
You will never hear any successful people tell you to stop following your dreams. All of them succeeded precisely because they chose to turn a deaf ear to naysayers and pursue their dreams.
Always follow your dreams even if it means a bit of hardship and sacrifice
In the end, you will find extreme happiness amidst all these trials. Fulfillment comes at the end of the rainbow called: following your dreams. Do what you love because in the end, the only person who matters is the one who will do the job itself.
Unsure about how to follow your dream?
Find a calling, not a job. A job is a routine a robot does while a calling is what humans are meant to do. Be a human, not a robot. Your life can have meaning if you will only have the courage to face your fear.
Don’t delay. Start now! Stop making excuses for yourself and start looking for every reason why you should pursue your dreams. Reason number one being: You want to be happy! Happiness can only be achieved by doing what you truly love. Not only does it give the benefit of being happy, it also leads to success! So why wait? Make that change you’ve been wanting to do all your life now!
Whatever your particular dream is, there is a course to match it.
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