What does it all mean?
NQF stands for National Qualifications Framework and QCF for Qualifications and Credit Framework. The frameworks are systems that were developed to define and differentiate varying levels of qualifications. Within the frameworks, you can compare and contrast levels against one another, and see how one level can lead to the next.
The NQF describes the level at which a qualification can be recognised in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It consists of 9 levels, ranging from entry level to level 8. To progress through the NQF, you do not necessarily need to obtain qualifications from every level. Until recently, this framework included all general and vocational qualifications since 1997.
The QCF is a new framework, developed to replace the NQF for vocational-related qualifications within England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each qualification within the QCF is made up of units and these units are worth a particular amount of credits. One credit equals ten hours of learning.
The qualifications in the QCF vary in their level of difficulty, from entry level to level 8, making them similar to the levels of qualifications within the NQF. A qualification carrying the QCF label will be at a particular level, which indicates its difficulty. It will also carry a particular number of credits, which indicates how long it might take to complete.
Teaching assistant courses are moving out of the NQF and into the QCF. The idea is that the QCF offers a more flexible approach to students gaining qualifications.
Stonebridge courses
Most of our courses carry a NCFE accreditation, which is a guarantee of quality. It means that the college has been inspected and approved by an independent and experienced education organisation. We are also audited for quality twice each year by the NCFE.
Some of our courses carry a CACHE accreditation. CACHE is an awarding organisation with an emphasis on the child and adult care sectors.
Higher Level Teaching Assistant – awarded at NCFE Level 4. The learning outcomes of this course have been benchmarked at QCF Level 4, using the QCF level descriptors.
Teaching Assistant – awarded at NCFE Level 3. The learning outcomes for this course have been benchmarked at QCF Level 3.
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools – a Level 3 NCFE qualification, which is listed on the QCF at Level 3, with 32 credits.
Teaching Assistant: CACHE Level 2 Award Course in Support Work in Schools – listed on the QCF at Level 2 and carries 12 credits.
Teaching Assistant: CACHE Level 2 Certificate Course in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools – listed on the QCF at Level 2, with 30 credits.
Teaching Assistant: CACHE Level 3 Award Course in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools – listed on the QCF at Level 3, with 12 credits.
If If you have specific questions related to our courses, then get in touch. Our advisers are happy to help.
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