Hiding negative emotions can be very damaging towards your health and you can risk having all sorts of health problems.
Burying your emotions will affect your health
Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
be the good girl you always had to be.
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know.
Know these song lyrics off by heart?
These famous words from the well-known song “Let it Go” sum up how many teachers and teaching assistants go about their difficult work inside the classrooms where they support pupils learning.
Dr Jamie Taxer a psychology of learning academic has conducted research into this subject and concludes that teachers who hide their negative emotions risk ill health and becoming emotionally drained.
Helplessness – something many teachers experience when thinking about the conditions of some pupils lives outside of school. Submerging this feeling can and does lead to poor mental health.
Boredom – if this feeling is hidden then the teaching staff can soon become exhausted and unhappy in the job.
Anger – when concealed can lead to poor physical health and emotional exhaustion.
General – any emotion that is being “hidden” can be related to poor physical health.
Let it go, let it go.
Can’t hold it back anymore.
Let it go, Let it go.
Here’s some advice for managing emotions
- Express your anger quietly and indirectly “This behaviour angers me!”
- Create a warm caring environment where pupils will not want you to be angry
- Take a step back and identify the source of your anger, it may be nothing to do with the pupils
- Regularly get together with other teachers and their assistants to talk through the issues
This blog was based on an article in TES.
Whatever happens find someone that you can express your feelings to, your very health may depend on it!
What emotions do you struggle with when caring for children and how do you deal with them? Please let us know below…
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