Choose a job you love and go to work happy!
If you have a job you love then you’ll never have to work a day in your life. That’s because it ceases to become work and turns into a hobby, a pastime, where the money is a bonus. Happiness at work starts from doing something you love; so if you aren’t doing something you love, then you better make a change or start loving what you do.
If you aren’t happy at work, you’re not alone. Research conducted by the CV-Library last year found that 55.6% of UK workers are unhappy in their current job. This can be due to a number of reasons, including poor work-life balance and lack of opportunities for career development. Yet, these issues ultimately stem from the wider issue that people are just not happy with the work that they’re doing.
If you’re not passionate about your company or your job role, you will soon find that other issues start to stack up. Whether the work that you do is dull and repetitive, or you work for a company that you don’t care about, working for a living stops becoming stimulating and starts to become the very meaning of drudgery. As we spend half of our waking hours every day at work, it’s never been more important to spend your time doing some meaningful and enjoyable, both for your working life, and your personal one.
Why is happiness at work important?
It increases productivity
A 2015 study has proven that a greater sense of happiness correlates with increased productivity in workers. In fact, productivity spiked by 12% in those who had their mood boosted, in comparison to those that completed tasks with lower levels of happiness. This is likely because people who are happy in their jobs are engaged at work, and with the tasks at hand, and therefore work longer, harder and better.
Those who are dissatisfied with their job are likely to be disconnected from their work and experience fatigue and poor concentrate levels, all of which contribute to a lack of productivity. So, next time you’re sat at your desk and feel yourself hitting the post-lunch slump when it’s not even 10am or struggle to tick things off your to-do list, it may be time to question how happy you really are.
It can improve your health
The average worker in the UK will work for 3, 507 days over the course of their lifetime, which, when you think that the average age expectancy in this country is 80 years old, means that work eats up a significant proportion of our lives. That’s why it’s important, if not crucial, to your overall health and wellbeing that you’re content in your career.
People who love their jobs are fulfilled and generally experience lower levels of stress than their unhappy professional counterparts because of this. As a result, they live better and healthier lives, with reduced levels of anxiety, depression and other stress-related illnesses. This can be supported by a recent BBC report that states how a positive outlook has been found to lengthen life span and improve wellbeing. It’s clear that if we want to safeguard our happiness and health, our workplace is a logical place to look at to assess the overall state of our wellbeing.
It boosts your creativity
Happy people are creatives and initiators; being passionate about what you do inspires you to push your boundaries, embrace new challenges and think outside of the box. Content workers will often approach obstacles with positivity and be great problem solvers too, as their love of their job will drive them to improve themselves and their business. Whereas, if you’re unhappy at work and under stress, you may feel unable to share your views or become so disengaged that you can’t generate any ideas at all.
The higher your workplace happiness levels are, the less inhibited you are, so you’re more likely to come up with bigger and better ideas that make a positive change. You’re also likely to have the confidence to share and discuss your ideas with others and push initiatives within your company. Not only does this boost communication within your team, leading to a greater sense of community, but it also creates a space for you to learn from others, and for others to learn from you. This collaboration and shared creativity is an essential component of positive workplace culture, a happy work environment and a happy you!
It can earn you a higher salary
All the things mentioned above not only keep you happy and content as a worker but will be noticed by your employer too. Your levels of creativity, passion and productivity all contribute to your overall performance at work, and the happier you are, the more likely you are to perform to a high standard.
Also, if you enjoy what you do, you’re more likely to be good at it and want to progress your career. By gaining new expertise, achieving, and demonstrating your dedication at work, you will make the ideal candidate for staff bonuses and pay rises. Plus, those with high levels of skill in a specific area are in high demand and are more likely to unlock higher paid positions and managerial roles in the future. Additional bonus? Receiving acknowledgement and reward for your hard work will give your happiness an extra boost, leading to even greater work fulfilment, personal satisfaction and happiness.
It can improve your relationships
Happiness at work tends to bleed into other aspects of our lives, even without us realising it. If you’re happy at work, you will bring that happiness home with you, which will help to sustain a happy family and personal life. However, a lack of job satisfaction and the negativity that this creates can put a strain on relationships with friends and family. Relationship counsellors cite work-life balance as the third biggest issue that impacts on couple relationships, whilst a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology claims that children whose parents suffer from a lack of job control and satisfaction are more likely to be sick than children that have content parents.
If you find yourself unable to enjoy precious family time on the weekend because you can’t switch off from work or are worrying about returning on Monday, then you’re most definitely not happy in your job. A change of career could not only be the right solution for you but your family too.
If you’re unfulfilled in your current role or career, then it’s time to find a job that you really can love. It’s never too late to switch careers and find happiness at work again, especially with a little help from Stonebridge Associated Colleges! We are committed to helping you find your calling and kick-start your dream career so that you can always go to work happy. For more information, check out our range of career-starting courses on-site or call one of our career advisors on 0121 392 8288 today.
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