Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) - Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway.

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  • Accreditation by Skills & Education Group Access
  • 100% online learning
  • 19 units
  • 600 notional learning hours
  • FREE On-Demand & Live Classes Upgrade - RRP £480
  • FREE On-Demand & Live Classes Upgrade - RRP £480
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Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) - Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway

Your Course at a Glance

  • Get prepared for university
  • Pursue a degree related to health and medical sciences
  • Gain a QAA recognised qualification in less than a year
  • Course delivered 100% online
  • Benefit from tutor support
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

If you are hoping to embark on a role within the medical and healthcare sector, you will need to get relevant qualifications behind you. The industry contains a vast array of job roles, all of which serve an important purpose.
Most professions within these industries require you to have a degree, and to get you prepared for this level of study, you can enrol on the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway course.
Through a variety of the three difference sciences (biology, chemistry and physics), as well as a range of study skills focused modules, you will gain foundational knowledge that will set you up for university. The online course covers cell biology, medical physics, human immunity, and more, giving you a taste of what you could potentially focus on in your career.
The knowledge you gain will not only get you prepared for a potential career in a sector that is constantly developing, but it will also give you a platform to build upon when you embark on your studies at university.
Traditionally, students needed A Levels to get to university, but an Access to Higher Education Diploma is an alternative option as it is the equivalent to 3 A Levels. So, if you don’t have the traditional qualifications, this is the perfect path for you to take.

Getting Started

When you enrol on the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway course, you will be issued with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This will include submission deadlines for your assignments, so you can keep on track of your study plan. 
The benefit of studying online is that you can complete the course in the comfort of your own home, freeing you from the restrictions of classroom learning. While you do have deadlines to meet, you can schedule study time around your existing commitments.
Instant 24/7 access to all course materials will be given to you as soon as you enrol, and you will benefit from contact with our dedicated Access Support Team and tutors that boast a wealth of experience.
You have two years to achieve your recognised qualification, but on average, our learners complete the course in 9-12 months, which means you could be ready for university within a year! Most universities accept Access to HE Diplomas, but please check with your chosen establishment.
Self-Paced Online Learning With Tutor Support
Self-Paced Online Learning With Tutor Support PLUS On-Demand & Live Classes
  • Access your course materials immediately
  • Tutor support via our market-leading platform
  • Study around existing commitments
  • Progress as quickly as you’d like
  • Tailored individual learning plan to help you succeed
  • Engaging content; from videos to interactive quizzes
  • Industry-leading 5 days marking turnaround
  • Live class scheduled between 10 am to 8 pm daily (including weekends)
  • Access to our video library of previous lectures available on-demand
  • Interact with your tutors directly during your class
  • Network with like-minded students via our chat functionality
  • Take live classes multiple times or access recordings as you like
  • Tutor support via our market-leading platform
  • Study around existing commitments
  • Progress as quickly as you’d like
  • Tailored individual learning plan to help you succeed
  • Engaging content; from videos to interactive quizzes
  • Industry-leading 5 days marking turnaround

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) - Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway, (QAA ref = 40012906), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities.

To study an Access to HE Diploma you must be resident in the UK and have a UK postcode.

You must hold Level 2 qualifications in both English and Maths, or be working towards them alongside studying your Access to Higher Education Diploma.

University Entry Criteria

It must be reiterated that each university will set its own admission criteria. So, you must check with your desired institution if your Access to HE Diploma and other qualifications will be accepted.

In many cases, to get started on healthcare courses at university, you will need:

  • A certain number of credits passed with a merit or a distinction grade
  • A face-to-face interview at the university
  • Literacy and numeracy assessments provided by the university
  • Course-related work placements or work experience
  • GCSE Grade C/4 or above in Maths and English (or equivalent Level 2 such as Functional Skills/Key Skills, etc.)

It is your responsibility to check that your Access to HE Diploma will be accepted as part of these entry requirements for your chosen degree. learndirect will not be held accountable if completing this Access to Higher Education Diploma doesn’t secure you a position with a higher education institution.

Minimum age restriction

This course is ideally suited to those who have completed full-time education but have not achieved the grades required to get into university.

Average completion timeframe

The average time it takes our learners to complete the course is 9-12 months.

Assessment requirements

A range of assessment methodologies are used, including: academic report, essay, scenario analysis, illustrated report, presentation (video and audio recording), series of questions, work sheet, academic writing skills tasks

Exams required

There are no exams included in the assessment of the course.

Membership required?

No membership is required to enrol on this course.

Additional requirements

Learners must be actively studying for a minimum of six months before results can be ratified and certificates ordered. The six month period does not start until you have passed unit 2 of your course and you must be submitting assignments regularly (in line with the deadlines in your Individual Learning Plan) to meet this six month requirement. Certificates can only be issued once your course is paid for in full.

Certification Timeframe

You can expect to receive your certificate 12-16 weeks from your final assignment being marked and graded, depending on the time of year. You will be provided with regular updates throughout the certification process so that you are fully informed of your individual timeframes.

All course fees, inclusive of all payment plans including our Premium Credit Limited option, must be settled before certification can be ordered.

*You will have access to the course for 24 months.

Unit 1: Exploring Cellular Structure and Activity

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cellular structure.
  • Understand the processes and products of cellular metabolism.
  • Understand cellular growth, division, and the impact of cancer at a cellular level.

Unit 2: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance.
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work.
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism.

Unit 3: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task.
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style.
  • Understand different reading strategies.
  • Be able to take effective notes.
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment.

Unit 4: Cell Division and Genetic Variation

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cell division.
  • Understand genetic variation.

Unit 5: Exploring Trigonometric Functions, Ratios and Rules

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use trigonometric functions and ratios.
  • Be able to solve equations and problems by employing trigonometric rules.
  • Be able to construct proofs by applying trigonometric.
  • Be able to illustrate trigonometric functions graphically.

Unit 6: The role of human nervous system and endocrine system in homeostasis

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand how the human nervous system is structured and how it functions.
  • Understand endocrine system regulation.
  • Understand the role of the endocrine system and the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis in humans.

Unit 7: Immunity and Disease Defence

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand examples of first and second line defence against disease.
  • Understand third line immunity and immune disorders.
  • Understand vaccinations.

Unit 8: Interaction of the Human Muscular and Skeletal Systems

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the structure of the human muscular system.
  • Understand the structure and function of the skeletal system.
  • Understand the musculoskeletal system in terms of locomotion, growth, and repair.

Unit 9: The Structure of the Atom

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the properties of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
  • Understand the distribution of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom/isotope.
  • Understand s, p, and d orbitals.
  • Understand the relationship between ionisation energies and reactivity.
  • Understand how ionisation energy data is reflected in the periodic table.

Unit 10: Atomic Structure, Electronic Structures, and bonds

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand atomic structure and relative atomic mass.
  • Be able to write and interpret electronic structures.
  • Understand ion formation and ion bonds.
  • Understand covalent bonds formation.

Unit 11: Hydrocarbons, Alkanes and Alkenes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of organic compounds.
  • Understand alkane structure and reactions.
  • Understand alkene structure and reactions.

Unit 12: The Major Laws of Physics

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand force and motion.
  • Understand energy conservation and momentum.
  • Understand wave motion.
  • Understand reflection and refraction.
  • Understand magnetism and electrical current behaviours.

Unit 13: Molarity and chemical change

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to calculate solution concentrations.
  • Understand enthalpy change.
  • Be able to analyse data to determine reaction order.
  • Understand chemical equilibrium.

Unit 14: Human Experience of Optics and Sound

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the Laws of Reflection.
  • Understand Snell’s Law.
  • Be able to calculate the power of lenses.
  • Understand the correction of myopia and hyperopia.
  • Understand the nature of transverse and longitudinal wave motions.
  • Understand human hearing.

Unit 15: Cellular and Subcellular Metabolism

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cell metabolism including metabolic pathways.
  • Understand the process of producing ATP via the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
  • Understand the dark reactions phase which occurs during photosynthesis.
  • Understand how subcellular organelles generate ATP.

Unit 16: Arrangement and Trends in the Periodic Table

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the arrangement of elements in the periodic table.
  • Understand the periodicity of period 3 of the periodic table.
  • Understand ionisation energies in relation to period 3.
  • Understand the oxidation and reduction effects of reactions.
  • Understand reactions of the Group 2 metals.

Unit 17: The properties, principles, and applications of the electromagnetic spectrum 

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand electromagnetic waves.
  • Understand visible and ultraviolet light including their applications.
  • Understand microwaves and infrared light.
  • Understand ultraviolet light and infrared light in terms of their potential to become hazardous.
  • Understand the use of x-rays in medical settings.

Unit 18: The Physics of Medical Imaging

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand mass and charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
  • Understand the nature and safe working practices related to alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and X-rays.
  • Understand ionising radiation in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Understand the use of radio isotopes in medicine.
  • Understand how medicine can utilise the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Understand the use of ultrasound in medicine.


The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway includes several online units containing rich, interactive study materials. At the end of each unit of study, you will need to complete an assignment, which your tutor will then mark and provide you with feedback and a grade to help you progress.

To successfully achieve this Access to HE Diploma you will need 60 credits, which are divided into units. Graded units that are focused on academic subject areas make up 45 credits, while the remaining 15 credits are from ungraded units that aim to improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive guidance on how to put together your university application as well as the research you need to get the most out of your diploma.


What's included:

  • All study materials
  • Study guide
  • Full tutor and Admin support
  • The course fee includes the awarding body registration and certification fee (valued at up to £96)
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
(National Average 77.1%)
  • FREE On-Demand & Live Classes Upgrade - RRP £480
  • FREE On-Demand & Live Classes Upgrade - RRP £480
Live Class Upgrade
Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) - Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway

Your Course at a Glance

  • Get prepared for university
  • Pursue a degree related to health and medical sciences
  • Gain a QAA recognised qualification in less than a year
  • Course delivered 100% online
  • Benefit from tutor support
  • No exams

About Your Diploma

If you are hoping to embark on a role within the medical and healthcare sector, you will need to get relevant qualifications behind you. The industry contains a vast array of job roles, all of which serve an important purpose.
Most professions within these industries require you to have a degree, and to get you prepared for this level of study, you can enrol on the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway course.
Through a variety of the three difference sciences (biology, chemistry and physics), as well as a range of study skills focused modules, you will gain foundational knowledge that will set you up for university. The online course covers cell biology, medical physics, human immunity, and more, giving you a taste of what you could potentially focus on in your career.
The knowledge you gain will not only get you prepared for a potential career in a sector that is constantly developing, but it will also give you a platform to build upon when you embark on your studies at university.
Traditionally, students needed A Levels to get to university, but an Access to Higher Education Diploma is an alternative option as it is the equivalent to 3 A Levels. So, if you don’t have the traditional qualifications, this is the perfect path for you to take.

Getting Started

When you enrol on the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway course, you will be issued with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This will include submission deadlines for your assignments, so you can keep on track of your study plan. 
The benefit of studying online is that you can complete the course in the comfort of your own home, freeing you from the restrictions of classroom learning. While you do have deadlines to meet, you can schedule study time around your existing commitments.
Instant 24/7 access to all course materials will be given to you as soon as you enrol, and you will benefit from contact with our dedicated Access Support Team and tutors that boast a wealth of experience.
You have two years to achieve your recognised qualification, but on average, our learners complete the course in 9-12 months, which means you could be ready for university within a year! Most universities accept Access to HE Diplomas, but please check with your chosen establishment.
Access to Higher Education Diplomas
(National Average 77.1%)

On successful completion of the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) - Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway, (QAA ref = 40012906), you will receive a Skills & Education Group Access, QAA recognised, Access to Higher Education Diploma at Level 3. As part of your programme, you will also receive help as well as guidance on your university application and the research you need to do to get the most out of your diploma.

An access validating agency with a strong social purpose to recognise achievement, particularly for those who have benefited least from their previous educational experiences, Skills and Education Group Access supports the needs of learners, providers, businesses and communities.

Unit 1: Exploring Cellular Structure and Activity

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cellular structure.
  • Understand the processes and products of cellular metabolism.
  • Understand cellular growth, division, and the impact of cancer at a cellular level.

Unit 2: Writing and Studying Academic Texts

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to write academically and with relevance.
  • Be able to interpret and express ideas in a piece of academic work.
  • Be able to analyse and summarise text, and appreciate the problems caused by plagiarism.

Unit 3: Planning and Writing an Assignment

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to select and assess appropriate source information in response to a task.
  • Be able to reference sources used in a recognised style.
  • Understand different reading strategies.
  • Be able to take effective notes.
  • Be able to plan, draft and produce a written assignment.

Unit 4: Cell Division and Genetic Variation

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cell division.
  • Understand genetic variation.

Unit 5: Exploring Trigonometric Functions, Ratios and Rules

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to use trigonometric functions and ratios.
  • Be able to solve equations and problems by employing trigonometric rules.
  • Be able to construct proofs by applying trigonometric.
  • Be able to illustrate trigonometric functions graphically.

Unit 6: The role of human nervous system and endocrine system in homeostasis

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand how the human nervous system is structured and how it functions.
  • Understand endocrine system regulation.
  • Understand the role of the endocrine system and the nervous system in maintaining homeostasis in humans.

Unit 7: Immunity and Disease Defence

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand examples of first and second line defence against disease.
  • Understand third line immunity and immune disorders.
  • Understand vaccinations.

Unit 8: Interaction of the Human Muscular and Skeletal Systems

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the structure of the human muscular system.
  • Understand the structure and function of the skeletal system.
  • Understand the musculoskeletal system in terms of locomotion, growth, and repair.

Unit 9: The Structure of the Atom

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the properties of protons, electrons, and neutrons.
  • Understand the distribution of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom/isotope.
  • Understand s, p, and d orbitals.
  • Understand the relationship between ionisation energies and reactivity.
  • Understand how ionisation energy data is reflected in the periodic table.

Unit 10: Atomic Structure, Electronic Structures, and bonds

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand atomic structure and relative atomic mass.
  • Be able to write and interpret electronic structures.
  • Understand ion formation and ion bonds.
  • Understand covalent bonds formation.

Unit 11: Hydrocarbons, Alkanes and Alkenes

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the impact of organic compounds.
  • Understand alkane structure and reactions.
  • Understand alkene structure and reactions.

Unit 12: The Major Laws of Physics

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand force and motion.
  • Understand energy conservation and momentum.
  • Understand wave motion.
  • Understand reflection and refraction.
  • Understand magnetism and electrical current behaviours.

Unit 13: Molarity and chemical change

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Be able to calculate solution concentrations.
  • Understand enthalpy change.
  • Be able to analyse data to determine reaction order.
  • Understand chemical equilibrium.

Unit 14: Human Experience of Optics and Sound

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the Laws of Reflection.
  • Understand Snell’s Law.
  • Be able to calculate the power of lenses.
  • Understand the correction of myopia and hyperopia.
  • Understand the nature of transverse and longitudinal wave motions.
  • Understand human hearing.

Unit 15: Cellular and Subcellular Metabolism

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand cell metabolism including metabolic pathways.
  • Understand the process of producing ATP via the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
  • Understand the dark reactions phase which occurs during photosynthesis.
  • Understand how subcellular organelles generate ATP.

Unit 16: Arrangement and Trends in the Periodic Table

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand the arrangement of elements in the periodic table.
  • Understand the periodicity of period 3 of the periodic table.
  • Understand ionisation energies in relation to period 3.
  • Understand the oxidation and reduction effects of reactions.
  • Understand reactions of the Group 2 metals.

Unit 17: The properties, principles, and applications of the electromagnetic spectrum 

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand electromagnetic waves.
  • Understand visible and ultraviolet light including their applications.
  • Understand microwaves and infrared light.
  • Understand ultraviolet light and infrared light in terms of their potential to become hazardous.
  • Understand the use of x-rays in medical settings.

Unit 18: The Physics of Medical Imaging

On completion of this unit you will:

  • Understand mass and charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
  • Understand the nature and safe working practices related to alpha, beta and gamma radiation, and X-rays.
  • Understand ionising radiation in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Understand the use of radio isotopes in medicine.
  • Understand how medicine can utilise the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Understand the use of ultrasound in medicine.


The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Science) – Medicine and Healthcare Professions Pathway includes several online units containing rich, interactive study materials. At the end of each unit of study, you will need to complete an assignment, which your tutor will then mark and provide you with feedback and a grade to help you progress.

To successfully achieve this Access to HE Diploma you will need 60 credits, which are divided into units. Graded units that are focused on academic subject areas make up 45 credits, while the remaining 15 credits are from ungraded units that aim to improve your academic writing and study skills.

As part of your programme, you will also receive guidance on how to put together your university application as well as the research you need to get the most out of your diploma.


What's included:

  • All study materials
  • Study guide
  • Full tutor and Admin support
  • The course fee includes the awarding body registration and certification fee (valued at up to £96)
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